“Pity Party for one, your table is now ready.”

You thought I had given up on posting? No way. Although the convenience of a Facebook page is a fun, quick, easy way to share a lot of information with you all. Some things require a little bit more detail, time, and courage to share. This is a tough confession to make.

Last week was a bad week for me. For our family, really. Our life style was thrown off dramatically and I owe all of you who work 9 hour days with long drives to and from work an apology and a round of applause. I forgot how hard and exhausting the real working world can be! Aside from the exhaustion the temptations of unhealthy food choices you’re faced with or forced into are nearly unbearable. Cake from co-workers, the convenience of a drive thru, or skipping a meal because you simply don’t have time to eat are all things I haven’t had to deal with in quite some time and came face to face with last week. I was going to bed later, waking up earlier, and missing my “regular” classes at the gym. I found myself in a “funk”. I was in a bad mood. My body felt yuck. But instead of focusing on what I could do, I focused on everything I couldn’t. Everything that was OUT of my control.

This is where I get a lot of eye rolls, but hang with me here. I’m 5’2 and five pounds shows up fast on a 5’2 woman. You know they say, “You didn’t gain the weight in a week, you won’t lose it in a week.” The later half is true for me, but the first half is a lie. I can pick up pounds in a week like it’s my profession. No matter how much I work out. When I eat foods that aren’t balanced it shows up almost immediately. And no, I can’t just turn around a lose it the next week like water weight. So this is why this blog and YOU are so important to me and this journey. Weeks like this. Days that I let the scale get the best of me. You’re a reminder of the big picture. It’s not about that number on the scale. It’s about learning and growing. It’s about being a good role model for my daughter and promoting a positive self image no matter what I weigh or if I’m avoiding jeans for the moment. 🙂 It’s about being real and sharing my struggles and working through them.

My husband did a great job of putting my pity party into perspective for me as I was getting ready for church this morning. I was dreading zipping my dress,I knew it’d be a squeeze and zip experience. I mumbled under my breath the frustration and he simply responded “And how blessed are you that THAT is your biggest problem this morning?”.

WOW. Talk about putting me in my place. Sometimes we lose sight of what’s important and that a healthy lifestyle is a journey. It’s also about balance. I share with a lot of you that I live an 80/20 lifestyle. And it works for me and in real life scenarios. Now 20/80, doesn’t work so well! My body feeling sluggish and the scale reminds me of that and holds me accountable to making better and healthier choices. But seriously, if that’s our biggest problem, shouldn’t we be rejoicing? Every day, every moment, and every meal gives us an opportunity to make better choices and be the best version of ourselves. For all of you who have previously reached out to me THANK YOU. I re-read our conversations when I need pick me up. I can’t thank you enough for your friendships and support.