I haven’t completely lost my mind.
Believe me, the candy bars pictured are a better choice than a box of chocolates.
You know “the life like a box of chocolates, you never what you’re gonna get” Forrest Gump philosophy? Lies. I know exactly what I’m going to get, a tummy ache and 5 lbs.
My mother was born with a gift. A talent, even. Some sing and dance- others have he ability to portion their dessert. Growing up, we’d get the big heart box of chocolates. Mine- gone that day. Except the coconut, of course. My mothers would last weeks to where she would eventually throw them away. She has even forgotten about m&ms in her purse before!! I was not passed this blessing. But,Valentine’s day without chocolate is just wrong. So -we’re celebrating with my favorite couple, chocolate and strawberries.
Did you know you can stretch one candy bar into a dozen strawberries?! A lot less calories than those truffle boxes  and cost about three dollars per dozen. Save your dollars and calories! Choose your favorite candy bars: dark for me, Reese’s for my husband, and cookies and cream for my daughter. Break into bite size pieces and microwave for 15 seconds and stirring between each time until the chocolate is melted and smooth. Here is the slimmed up trick, dip ONLY THE TOPS of the berries. They’ll be beautiful and delicious. Allow them to dry on wax paper for at least an hour or until chocolate is set before serving.
Happy Valentine’s Day! You know, if you celebrate that sort of thing.
I am THANKFUL for lower calorie Pumpkin Pie!

I am THANKFUL for lower calorie Pumpkin Pie!

Don’t make the mistake of consuming a tiny piece of frozen pumpkin pie for 320 calories when you can enjoy this easy, home-made version for 120 calories for 1/8 and only 4 WW Points Plus! Recipe makes 3 pies and … Continue reading

Beat the Statistics

Beat the Statistics

Although there is plenty of research and studies to back up the average weight gain of American’s from Thanksgiving to Christmas- if you’re anything like me, you don’t need a pie chart (get it?…Thanksgiving… pie. Nevermind.) or percentage to testify … Continue reading